Nts/materials/analysis tools: EG GJ WK. Wrote the paper: CW WK CO ES KH GJ.
The availability of large amounts of relevant target proteins in high quality is a prerequisite for structural analysis or drug-target screening strategies. Many viral and mammalian proteins either require specific post-translational modification for proper folding and full biological activity or have to be co-expressed in the Title Loaded From File presence of their partners to assemble in a multi protein complex for functional stability. As a result, E. coli is usually not suitable as an expression system for complex mammalian proteins. Therefore, eukaryotic expression hosts are indispensable for recombinant production of those proteins [1]. Thus, approximately 10 of all protein structures submitted to the Protein Data Base (PDB) have been solved after expression in eukaryotic systems. Therefore, facilities dedicated to mammalian protein expression like the Helmholtz Protein Sample Production Facility (PSPF) provide a broad spectrum of eukaryotic expression systems comprising yeasts, mammalian cell culture and the baculovirus expression vector system (BEVS). Due to their simple paucimannosidic Nglycosylation pattern and the scalability of the baculovirusdependent expression in suspension culture lepidopteran cell lines are preferably used for the production of proteins for crystallization with a share of almost 50 among the eukaryotic systems (Figure 1). The prevalent mammalian host cell lines utilised for 18204824 protein production are derived from the human embryonic kidney epithelia cell line HEK293 and CHO cells, which originate fromovaries of the Chinese Hamster. Among these, HEK293 is most commonly used for transient gene expression due to the availability of subclones adapted to suspension culture and an optimized genetic background for plasmid based transient expression [2]. Likewise, the development of effective transfection methods contributed to the success of this system. Using the cationic polymer polyethylenimine (PEI) as transfection reagent transfection rates of .80 can be achieved [3,4]. Thereby, protein Title Loaded From File yields up to 1 g/L have been reported [5]. In contrast CHO cells lines are less suitable for transient protein expression, as only less than 30 of the yields achieved in HEK293 have been reported so far even though large efforts have been expended in the past years to optimise transient transfection of CHO cells [6?8]. However, they are predominately used for stable genomic expression as CHO cells integrate exogenous DNA with a high efficiency and genomic stability [9]. The glycosylation mutant cell line CHO Lec3.2.8.1 [10] is particularly suitable for the production of glycoproteins for structural analyses [11]. As previously reported the PSPF implemented an optimized system based on targeted integration via Flp-recombinase mediated cassette exchange (RMCE) [12] as an advanced and fast method to stably integrate target genes in this cell line to optimize our protein expression pipeline [13]. Despite all these improvements during the past decades protein production in eukaryotic cell lines from both invertebrate and vertebrate still is generally more time-consuming and expensiveMulti-Host Expression SystemFigure 1. Total number of protein chains deposited in the PDB by expression host. Cumulative total number of protein chains in the PDB whose expression system was identified as mammalian, insect, baculovirus, fungi or yeast is plotted by year of deposition. Expression d.Nts/materials/analysis tools: EG GJ WK. Wrote the paper: CW WK CO ES KH GJ.
The availability of large amounts of relevant target proteins in high quality is a prerequisite for structural analysis or drug-target screening strategies. Many viral and mammalian proteins either require specific post-translational modification for proper folding and full biological activity or have to be co-expressed in the presence of their partners to assemble in a multi protein complex for functional stability. As a result, E. coli is usually not suitable as an expression system for complex mammalian proteins. Therefore, eukaryotic expression hosts are indispensable for recombinant production of those proteins [1]. Thus, approximately 10 of all protein structures submitted to the Protein Data Base (PDB) have been solved after expression in eukaryotic systems. Therefore, facilities dedicated to mammalian protein expression like the Helmholtz Protein Sample Production Facility (PSPF) provide a broad spectrum of eukaryotic expression systems comprising yeasts, mammalian cell culture and the baculovirus expression vector system (BEVS). Due to their simple paucimannosidic Nglycosylation pattern and the scalability of the baculovirusdependent expression in suspension culture lepidopteran cell lines are preferably used for the production of proteins for crystallization with a share of almost 50 among the eukaryotic systems (Figure 1). The prevalent mammalian host cell lines utilised for 18204824 protein production are derived from the human embryonic kidney epithelia cell line HEK293 and CHO cells, which originate fromovaries of the Chinese Hamster. Among these, HEK293 is most commonly used for transient gene expression due to the availability of subclones adapted to suspension culture and an optimized genetic background for plasmid based transient expression [2]. Likewise, the development of effective transfection methods contributed to the success of this system. Using the cationic polymer polyethylenimine (PEI) as transfection reagent transfection rates of .80 can be achieved [3,4]. Thereby, protein yields up to 1 g/L have been reported [5]. In contrast CHO cells lines are less suitable for transient protein expression, as only less than 30 of the yields achieved in HEK293 have been reported so far even though large efforts have been expended in the past years to optimise transient transfection of CHO cells [6?8]. However, they are predominately used for stable genomic expression as CHO cells integrate exogenous DNA with a high efficiency and genomic stability [9]. The glycosylation mutant cell line CHO Lec3.2.8.1 [10] is particularly suitable for the production of glycoproteins for structural analyses [11]. As previously reported the PSPF implemented an optimized system based on targeted integration via Flp-recombinase mediated cassette exchange (RMCE) [12] as an advanced and fast method to stably integrate target genes in this cell line to optimize our protein expression pipeline [13]. Despite all these improvements during the past decades protein production in eukaryotic cell lines from both invertebrate and vertebrate still is generally more time-consuming and expensiveMulti-Host Expression SystemFigure 1. Total number of protein chains deposited in the PDB by expression host. Cumulative total number of protein chains in the PDB whose expression system was identified as mammalian, insect, baculovirus, fungi or yeast is plotted by year of deposition. Expression d.