Tion (r), in comparison to TsSW and Tb (Figure four and Table five). The averages of Tsbarsi , TsSC , TsRTE , and TsSW were not substantially different; having said that, Tb was decrease than Tsbarsi by about 2 . The largest correction error was observed when comparing Tb with Tsbarsi , even though TsRTE had the least errors compared to Tsbarsi . The surface temperatures (Ts ) corrected by the unique models had MAE and RMSE up to 86 reduce than the Tb .significantly decrease discrepancies determined by the obtained MAE, MAPE, and RMSE, and greater agreement determined by the Willmott coefficient and Pearson correlation , compared to and (Figure 4 and Table 5). The averages of , , , and had been by about two . The biggest not drastically distinctive; nonetheless, was reduce than , even though had the least correction error was observed when comparing with Sensors 2021, 21, 7196 . The surface temperatures corrected by the various models errors in comparison to had and up to 86 reduced than the .320 315 310 Tb (K) 305 300 295 295 320 315 310 305 300 295 295 300 305 310 315 300 305 310 315 y = 0.657x 99.23 R 0.70 (p-value 0.001) y = 1.04x – 11.223 R 0.97 (p-value 0.001) 320 315 310 305 30013 ofA 320 295 300 305 310By = 1.02x – five.5885 R 0.98 (p-value 0.001)y = 1.022x – six.26 R 0.75 (p-value 0.001)320 315 310 305 300TsTRE (K)C 320 295 300 305 310DTsBarsi (K)TsBars i (K)Figure four. Relation of Relation of (A) the surface temperatureby the Barsi model (Tsbarsi ; K) and brightness brightFigure 4. (A) the surface temperature corrected corrected by the Barsi model ( ; K) and temperature (Tb ); ness temperature ; (B) the surface temperature corrected K); (C) the surface temperature ; K); (B) the surface temperature corrected by the single-channel model (TsSC ; by the single-channel model ( corrected by the (C) the surface temperature corrected by the radiative transfer equation model ( ; K); and (D) radiative transfer equation model (TsRTE ; K); and (D) the surface temperature corrected by the split-window model (TsSW ; K). the surface temperature corrected by the split-window model ( ; K). Table 5. Average (5 self-assurance interval) with the surface temperature corrected by the Barsi model (Tsbarsi ; K), used as reference values, and typical (five confidence interval), imply absolute error (MAE), imply absolute % error (MAPE), root mean square error (RMSE), Willmott coefficient (d) and Pearson correlation coefficient (r) in the surface temperature corrected by the single-channel model (TsSC ; K), the radiative transfer equation model (TsRTE ; K), plus the split-window model (TsSW ; K). Values with GS-626510 Cancer indicate p-value 0.001. Models Tsbarsi Tb TsSC TsRTE TsSW Average IC K 306.3 1.45 300.five 1.1 307.5 1.five 307.1 1.5 307.two 1.75 MAE K 5.76 1.06 0.78 1.89 MAPE 1.87 0.34 0.25 0.61 RMSE K six.27 1.28 0.95 two.78 0.63 0.98 0.98 0.91 0.83 0.98 0.99 0.86 d r The Tsbarsi was applied as a reference to evaluate other surface temperature retrieval methods.three.3. SEBFs and ET Estimates Determined by and Ts Combinations A summary of the comparison in between estimated and PF-05105679 Neuronal Signaling measured Rn based on all model combinations (Table 2 more than each flux towers, i.e., FMI and PBE) is shown in Table 6. A comparison of Rn estimates with measurements over every person tower is shown inside the Supplementary Material. The averages of estimated Rn based on the differentTsSW (K)TsSC (K)Sensors 2021, 21,14 ofand Ts combinations (Table 2) of asup with all Ts at the same time as the combination of acon with Tb didn’t show a substantial distinction in the values.